Julian Costello is a musician, composer and teacher from London. He writes the music for various ensembles and tries to approach life with humour.
Julian Costello Quartet has recently released And All The Birds Were Set Free on 33 Jazz Records with special guest Georgia Mancio on vocals. Transitions 2017 and Connections 2020 were two previous albums "Only Once in a while, an album like this appears on the horizon”. Adrian Pallant London Jazz News.
Julian plays and writes the music in Vertigo who have also just released an album. The album and music was featured live in session on BBC Radio 3's In Tune where the group played three of Julian's tunes live and Julian was interviewed by Sean Rafferty.
He has toured the UK three times with support from The Arts Council of England, and also toured France, Poland, Germany and Belgium. Reviews.
Julian is an active teacher who as well as having private students teaches for the jazz School at RHACC.
The critic Sammy Stein wrote for Jazz in Europe;
" Julian Costello is a sax lyricist, telling his stories of life’s ups and downs with perfect alteration of tone to impart strength, humour and even frailty.
This is a great album, strong, tenacious in its quality and simply makes a great listen"
"Julian Costello proved a charming host, introducing the audience to some fine original compositions, and tenor playing of a gentle authority; full of passion, lyricism and invention all delivered with a full and vibrant tone". March 2024 Jazz views
Julian lives with his family in SW London where he eats and drinks far too much Italian food and French red wine. He hates brexshit, the Tory Party and racists. He has supported Chelsea FC since he was 5 and dreams of a more enlightened world.

Photo by Roger Berthet